A Sampler for a friend with bees and trees

a sampler for a friend

I drew and stiched this sampler for my penpal who has met the love of her life. After some time they’ve moved in together in a new home and I wanted to give them something special as a housewarming gift.

My penpal and I have many of the same interests and we often write about gardening, the importance of bees and, of course, our fondness for embroidery. While I might be the stitcher, she’s the knitter. So as I made this housewarming sampler for her, she knitted me socks for my husband and I for our wedding.

I tried to incorporate all the various things we talk about and I know she loves. Including ferrets! Which was complicated to draw small and took me quite a few tries before getting it right.
This is the only sampler I know of which contains ferrets, now that I think about it.

sampler with bees and trees

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