The Norwegian Biscornu Pincushion Pattern – Freebie

I was supposed to make something else, but I had this pattern lying around which I had yet to stitch and introduce. So here it is, the last/latest Norwegian bunad-related biscornu pincushion.

The downloadable pattern is in black and white with marks on so you can fill in the colours you like the most, or stick to mine. That’s up to you. The colours you see in my stitched example are also not the ones I’ve included in my pattern. I just picked something randomly.

If you don’t know how to stitch together a biscornu, you can check out my tutorial on the subject here.

How to make a 15 sided biscornu pincushion

Tutorial: How to make a 15 sided biscornu pincushion (alt. 2)

If you are unfamiliar with the regular biscornu pincushion, please see the appropriate tutorial. Or the first alternative on how to make  a 15 sided biscornu pincushion. This is one of three ways you can make a 15 sided biscornu pincushions. This is the…

selbu pillow

A new year, a new focus

My deepest apologies to anyone who kept tabs on this website in hopes of updates during 2019. The purchasing of a new home quickly led to a new hobby/sidebusiness. Which incidentally happens to be upholstery and restoration of retro 60s furniture. I pick the…

The latest scoop on Mrs. Nielsen Embroidery

The latest scoop on Mrs. Nielsen Embroidery

I want to say that we’ve finished renovating and moving into our new house. And I finally have the space and quiet needed to start making patterns and finishing tutorials. But alas, it’s summer and I’m quite literally all over the place. We’ve managed…

I bought a house

I bought a house (oops)

When this year started I had a lot of plans for my Etsy shop, but also more tutorials and freebies on this website. Little did I know that after I had posted my New Years-post that I would end up buying a house  shortly…

A new year and some thoughts

A new year and some thoughts

In 2017 I set up my Etsy shop to sell cross stitch patterns that I had made. I had no real plan, no big ambition and made very little effort to any kind of marketing. I let it run its own course while I…

Chinese Traditional Folk Floral Mandala

Chinese Traditional Folk Floral Mandala

Chinese Floral Mandala is a cross stitch pattern recreated from a museum piece. It’s believed to have been first created between 1850-1900 in Western China. Originally embroidered with blue thread on unbleached linen. I’ve been coming down with a nasty fever. As I slowly…

Chinese Traditional Folk Embroidery Carp Motif

Chinese Traditional Folk Embroidery Carp Motif

Despite the top site claims to be Scandinavian Embroidery, I’m going do digress a bit into the Chinese as well. This is because China has so much beauty to offer with it’s traditional embroidery. This beautiful carp roundel was made somewhere between 1880-1920 as…

blue bluted mega heart

The Blue Fluted Mega Heart

My friend is getting married in two weeks and as a wedding gift I adjusted this beautiful picture for cross stitch. The reason why I settled on this pattern is a bit silly, albeit with the best intentions. In the mid-1700s Germany  a porcelain…

The latest scoop on Mrs. Nielsen Embroidery

Back from vacation!

I’ve spent two wonderful (and exhausting) weeks in North-Jutland of Denmark. My original plan was to draw up some new patterns and work with those during the evenings when we weren’t out exploring somewhere.  It did’t quite work out that way and instead of…